Impact of Stereotype Threat

Stereotype threat is defined as “the negative feelings associated with confirming negative stereotypes about one’s ingroup”. The negative implications of the effects of stereotype threat can be subtle. Stereotype threat has been shown to reduce working memory capacity, and therefore cognitive tasks such as mathematical problem-solving. It’s been shown that one protective factor against this negative effect of stereotype threat is a sense of power. It doesn’t have to be an enforced, position of power, just a sense of feeling powerful is enough to reduce the negative effects of stereotype threat on working memory.

Empowering women in the blockchain space, increasing, emphasizing, and actually legitimizing a sense of power in regard to negative stereotypes may help to protect against the adverse psychological effects of stereotype threat that may occur when we talk about and promote, women working and networking within a typically male-dominated industry.

Networking with other like-minded women can provide a sense of empowerment. This sense of power can be a protective factor when networking with many people in the space.

If you’d like to learn more details, check out the research article by Van Loo & Rydell, “On The Experience of Feeling Powerful: Perceived Power Moderates the Effect of Stereotype Threat on Women’s Math Performance.” 2012.